Homework is given in all classes throughout the school. This varies according to each teacher’s requirements and children’s capabilities. Specific activities may include Home Readers, Library books, Mathematics and spelling. Parents are asked to assist their children with this extra work but please do not do it for them. To be really effective, Homework needs to be a two way process – with input from school and home as well.
If your child cannot do the homework set for the evening for some reason, it is helpful if you send a note to school with the child next day, explaining the reasons. This can often be done in a homework notebook.

Children will be encouraged to take home readers as often as possible so that you may hear how they are progressing. The books will be kept in a book bag to protect them. As parents you are asked to encourage your children by hearing them read these books.
If your child has trouble reading any book please let the teacher know so that a check on reading levels may be made.
Please read and enjoy books with your child as often as you can. It is a great learning time for your child.
We know that books are expensive so it is a good idea to join a library, e.g. the local Massey library, where a great many books are available to you and your children at no cost. Above all have fun!