Royal Road School offers a wide range of sports. This includes:
- Afterschool competitions
- Netball: Widerwest Netball Tournament is held over term 2 and 3 on Saturday mornings at West Harbour School.
- Touch: Our School Touch is played at Massey Rugby club
All outside sports are dependent on parent support for teams to be able to compete.
- Whole School Events
- Cross Country and Athletics Day
- Interschool Day Competitions
- Throughout the year our senior students are given the opportunity to be involved in a range of interschool sports such as rugby, basketball and volleyball.

NETBALL 2022 (YEARS 3-8)
Netball is a big commitment. Games are played every Saturday morning, rain or shine at West Harbour Primary School.
The season starts in May and continues to the end of August. We will know exact times and are given a draw once grading rounds have finished. Trials will be held at school during lunchtimes prior to the April school holidays. You will then be notified of what team your child has been placed in and who their coach and manager are. Coaching / training will start sooner and be on a day determined by your coach, this will take part during lunchtime.
Players are expected to commit to a team once selected and throughout the whole duration of the season. If for any reason your child is unable to play on a Saturday, it is their (and your) responsibility to let the coach or manager know early, so they can find replacement players. You will be supplied with both the coach and manager’s phone number and contact details for this reason. Similarly, yours will be handed to the coach and manager in case of emergencies.
The fees for this activity are $35 + $5 bond for your uniform. Our fees cover the fees for the netball competition, equipment, coaching and refereeing materials/courses, certificates, uniforms and bibs. It costs a lot more than $5 to replace a uniform, so please ensure your child wears it for their Netball game only. Payment of fees is to be forwarded to Mrs O’Shea at the school office with the permission form before the end of Term 1. Arrangement can be made to make instalments, as long as the full amount is paid by the first game. You must have paid you fees in full by the end of Term 1 ( April 2016). No exceptions.
Prizegiving is held straight after the last game of the season at West Harbour School. Our teams will also be recognised at our own school’s assembly.