Our Envirogroup is a group of students who aim to show leadership in sustainability at Royal Road School. They meet regularly to learn about sustainability and to identify, and problem-solve issues.
During 2022 many students have also been involved in Adopt-A-Park; tree planting and tree care at Moire Park (Manutewhau) working with Auckland Council and Ecomatters.
More than a third of the school have been part of our Gardening Clubs this year. They have enjoyed gardening activities including working in the school gardens; planting seeds; and cooking food we have harvested.
In addition, the Envirogroup and Gardening Clubs are nurturing leaders in Kaitiakitanga, and have been involved in the school’s bush restoration project. The Royal Road School bush restoration project will ultimately include the maintenance and development of a living classroom in the school’s own dedicated green area.
Enviroschools journey
Please use magnifier glass to view the journey